Jinah Lee



RegEx or regular expression is patterns used to match or locate character combinations in strings. It's commonly used to validate input value.

Use it to vaidate password

I used it in my last post to create Mailchimp registration example. Mailchimp requires the password to have

  • one lowercase character
  • one uppercase character
  • one number
  • one special character
  • 8 characters minimum

This can be validated with RegEx

if (!password.match(/(?=.\d)(?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.[!@#$%^&*]).{8}/)) {
    return "error message"
  • (?=.[a-z]) matches any lowercase character
  • (?=.[A-Z]) matches any uppercase character
  • (?=.\d) matches any number
  • (?=.[!@#$%^&*]) matches any special character
  • .{8} at least 8 characters
Other uses

From the edabit javascript challenges


From a given string comprised of uppercase and lowercase characters, detect lowercase characters, extract them and return it as one word.

const detectWord = str => {
  return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, "")
  • /[A-Z]/g do a global search for uppercase characters
  • replace all uppercase characters with empty string " "
  • this leaves us with only lowercase characters

How many D's are in a sentence?

countDs("My friend Dylan got distracted in school.")4
const countDs = str => {
  • /d/id match character "d", case insensitive