Jinah Lee

Airbnb Clone

React, Redux, Styled-components

Airbnb site clone project, as a part of the WeCode bootcamp curriculum. I collaborated with 2 other front-end developers and 2 back-end developers. I chose to clone this site because it had a lot of features that are widely used in modern.

What I Implemented

airbnb layout
Search List View

  • Implemented Axios and redux to fetch data and search state
  • Created custom image slider
  • Created responsive layout
  • Implemented pagination

Search Filter

  • Created filter method that takes checked items as query strings and rerenders page
  • Created a method to clear all checked items

airbnb map
airbnb map
Search Map View

  • Implemented Google Map view with custom marker and overlay view components


  • Created layout for the reservation page
  • Added method to choose payment type
  • Worked with backend to implement currency conversion method

airbnb reservation